Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our Life Updated

Here is our life over the last month. Beckham is now a FAT 3 month old. I can't believe that. I have a feeling he is going to be bigger then Cruz. Cruz loves him so much and gets so excited when Beckham wakes up from his naps. "It's Beckham! Beckham's awake!" And he can say the "m" in Beckham, so we don't have a little girl anymore.

Over Labor Day weekend Brendan's brother, Eric, and sister, Ann Marie drove from Provo to come for Beckham's blessing. It was so much fun having them here. I wish we were closer to them. My Dad came up from Portland as well. And my mom was in Bellingham taking care of my brother's kids, because they just had a baby. So she drove down with his crew for the day as well.

This kid loves riding his bike and he can fly on it.

Beckham is such a sweet baby. He's smiling and laughing now.
I love squeezing him. Cruz honestly cries more then Beckham. (knock on wood)

This is a classic Beckham face. He always has a look of worry on his face.
Probably becasue he has Cruz as a brother.

Us at Alki Beach, across from downtown Seattle. Beckham was sleeping in the car.

Cruz with "Uncle Brian". This is really Uncle Eric and Brendan
didn't help Cruz any by continuing to call him "Uncle Brian".

Uncle Eric and Aunt Ann Marie. Cruz loved all of the attention he got from them.

Sadly, this is our first family picture.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Stroller!

This is my new stroller. It cost a pretty penny, but it was well worth that pretty penny. I L-O-V-E it!!! I started running again this past week and this stroller makes a huge difference when pushing two little tots around. I can barley tell that I am even pushing it. If you are a runner, this stroller is well worth the investment.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Air Show

The Marchant's are still alive and adjusting to a family of four. Crazy!! We are finally settling down after a crazy month of visiting family and having family visit us. Last week was our first full week of just being us. So far I haven't wanted to pull my hair out.

I am blessed with another pretty mellow baby. He rarely cries, but man does he know how to grunt and groan. Try listening to that from 5am on. We call him Goat Boy because he makes the cutest goat noises. I am now trying to get this little boy on a schedule, which has been tough. I have been having to break him of having to be held when he is sleeping. Beckham is a very alert baby and loves to fight his sleep. He lies there with tired, red, wide open eyes (he generally wins at staring contests). But, I do have to count my blessings that he rarely gets cranky. I'm trying to remember how long it took Cruz to get on a schedule. My biggest frustration has been putting Beckham down for naps. I'll put him down and within 45 minutes he is awake and he should be asleep another hour. Any suggestions?

Cruz has been such a great big brother! He loves "Baby Becka" (people are going to think we have a girl). Sometimes he loves him a little too much. Yesterday I caught him trying to ride Beckham like a cowboy. Beckham is not safe on the ground or pretty much anywhere there is not an adult within an arms length. Knock on wood, Cruz hasn't been jealous of Beckham. But, I have been trying really hard to pay a lot of attention to him when Beckham is asleep.

Last weekend we went to an Air Show that the Air Force Base puts on every other year. We went two years ago and it was still just as fun. Cruz had fun, for the most part. The poor boy got really confused by the jets though. He would look for the jets by the sound and by the time the sound came the jet was already gone.

Cruz sitting in an Air Cargo Plane

By this time, Cruz was more interested in treats.
He's his mother's son.

Unfortunately, we have been really bad 2nd time parents. We have taken hardly any pictures of Beckham. I really need to get on top of that. I'm feeling a ton better and need to start posting more again. It was amazing, the moment Beckham popped out of me, I wasn't nauseous and my appetite was back. Even though I'm up at night with Beckham I still have way more energy then I did pregnant.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Three Plus one Equals FOUR!!!!

Hello Friends and fellow blog stalkers, Yes we are still alive but of course you wouldn't know it by our blog.........

Well here is our last few months in a very short paragraph, and then to the info your looking for. Tatem has spent the past few months "enjoying" her pregnancy. Thank goodness for nausea meds and cereal. I find it a little odd that the first words out of Cruz's mouth every morning is I want cereal and hopefully Tatem will feel up to their morning routine of 2 or 10 bowls and Sesame street.

Cruz is really excited to be able to do things all by himself, and we are learning how to patiently let him. He recently got a trike and next to his lawnmower is his pride and joy. His next big desire is to get a bike hat so that "I be safe in case I fall". If we ever see cyclists with out a helmet he lets us and them know that they are not being safe and that they might fall. My thoughts: he needs a few concussions to slow him down a little.

I (Brendan) recently have started to get into cycling, I found a decent bike off of craigslist got a few "fancy outfits" and now see the world from a new perspective. Our business is doing well, food is on the table and the lights are on. It still consumes my almost every thought and sometimes fears but as joe dirt says it we "keep on keeping on".


We WELCOMED our newest addition to the family Beckham Samuel Marchant on June 18th 2010. Here are the stats then the story, 7.6 lbs, 18 inches. Head was 35 cm and according to the doc. its a good looking head. Dark brown hair, 10 fingers and 10 toes etc etc etc.

For this pregnancy we from the beginning wanted to have this birth scheduled. Tatem's doctor was ok with it, so for the past 2 months we have planned for Beckham to join us on the 18th. Tatem said that it was actually much harder knowing than not. For me it was so much better having a date and a time to plan around. I am a bit of a slave to the business (which I hope my Real Estate agents and clients appreciate) so we were able to have a full week of inspections and not the fear of being hours away or missing much business.


Tatem's mom was able to come up on Thursday night so that we would be ready to be at the hospital at 6:00 am Friday morning. Thursday nights sleep was less than great, Tatem was really nervous and restless knowing what was in store for her in the morning. At 4:30 she decided that she had enough and was ready to get going. At 6:15 we got to the hospital and by 8:00 Tate was all hooked up and on the petocin drip. The doc told us to expect the birth sometime in the afternoon, but by 10:30, she was already at a 6 and 90 percent effaced. After a quick call to Wendy (who was at Costco with a full cart of food that some costco employee got to put away :) ) and dropping Cruz off to Julianna. She made it to the hospital with 20 min to spare. Beckham graced us with his presence at 11:31 and now the fun of 2 boys has begun.

I am sure that there will be many updates to this post... as Tatem reads it and corrects my typos, gramer and adds her thoughts so check back often.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's Up?

What's up with the Marchant's? Oh, nothing much. I never blog because I never really feel like we have any exciting news. Ok, I guess we have one piece of exciting news. We're are having another boy!! Brendan and I are pretty excited about it (mostly because we don't have to buy anything now, j/k, but not really).

I'm now 22 weeks along and I am still sick. There are more good days than bad now, so I guess that is good. But, even my good days have a little tinge of nausea. And I'm still tired all of the time. What's up with that? Whoever said you get your energy back the 2nd trimester is full of crap!

Cruz is definitely 2 now. I have finally gotten him to say 2 instead of 3 when asked how old he is. I think he is an artist in the works. He holds pens and crayons correctly and will concentrate on a small area and stays in the lines (well, as good as a two year old can). He practically colors and watches Blues Clues all day long. He is turning into a little talker. Still only two maybe three words at a time, but I can understand him a lot better. That little boy really keeps everyday interesting.