Here is our life over the last month. Beckham is now a FAT 3 month old. I can't believe that. I have a feeling he is going to be bigger then Cruz. Cruz loves him so much and gets so excited when Beckham wakes up from his naps. "It's Beckham! Beckham's awake!" And he can say the "m" in Beckham, so we don't have a little girl anymore.
Over Labor Day weekend Brendan's brother, Eric, and sister, Ann Marie drove from Provo to come for Beckham's blessing. It was so much fun having them here. I wish we were closer to them. My Dad came up from Portland as well. And my mom was in Bellingham taking care of my brother's kids, because they just had a baby. So she drove down with his crew for the day as well.

This kid loves riding his bike and he can fly on it.

Beckham is such a sweet baby. He's smiling and laughing now.
I love squeezing him. Cruz honestly cries more then Beckham. (knock on wood)

This is a classic Beckham face. He always has a look of worry on his face.
Probably becasue he has Cruz as a brother.

Us at Alki Beach, across from downtown Seattle. Beckham was sleeping in the car.

Cruz with "Uncle Brian". This is really Uncle Eric and Brendan
didn't help Cruz any by continuing to call him "Uncle Brian".

Uncle Eric and Aunt Ann Marie. Cruz loved all of the attention he got from them.

Sadly, this is our first family picture.