Bad mom of the year award goes to....... me!! Beckham had his 1st birthday on June 18th and I am just barely blogging about it? It amazes me how many less pictures we have of Beckham compared to Cruz. I can't believe that Beckham is already 1. It has gone by so fast.
-He is such a little sweetie.
-He loves to snuggle. He is a blanket whore. If something even resembles the feel of a blanket, he will snuggle with it and suck his thumb. Especially when he is tired.
-He weighs 4lbs less then Cruz.
-He is much more sensitive then Cruz (But that is not a hard thing to beat).
-He is a little smarty pants. He can somehow unlock my phone and turn it on and off. He will find a way to get to something he wants.
-The temper-tantrums have already begun. It makes me laugh when he doesn't get his way (we'll see how long that last for).

For his birthday we spent if with just the four of us. Nothing exciting, but that's us Marchant's. We don't want to make things a big deal now, because then every year has to be better then the next. I made ice cream cone cupcakes. Don't you love my first ever attempt at piping icing? We bought Beckham some tools so he could have some to call his own (Cruz is very possesive of his tools). But that plan backfired on us. Cruz ended up comadeering them.
Beckham kept getting icing up his nose.
Daddy loves to torcher (sp?) the boys
whenever he gets a chance. And notice Cruz taking his chance
to take the screwdriver away from Beckham.
Happy Birthday Beckham!! We love you!