Monday, May 21, 2007

Another Sunny day in Seattle

Well we have decided that we are going to try this blog thing.

Just to get all of you up to speed on our lives. Here is a quick recap. Tatem and I left Rexburg in December of 2005 and moved to Issaquah WA, (it is about 25 min east of Seattle) and opened our Home Inspection business. It has been really exciting, stressful, and not quite as easy as we hoped. Most of all it has been an awesome experience and we are really seeing the benefits of our hard work starting to pay off.

Tatem is still a wonderful Wells Fargo employee, and luckily only works about 10 min away from our house. She cant wait until the day she can quit, but they have awesome insurance coverage so it is hard to say good bye.

Well we hope to make this a weekly update, and will see if we can. We would love to hear from any and all of our friends.

-Brendan and Tatem

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