Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The mommies are gone and now life begins.

The past two weeks Brendan and I have had our moms here helping us out. My mom was here for the first week and Brendan's came for the second. Well, we just dropped Brendan's mom at the airport and now we get to experience what life is really like with a child. It was really nice having our moms here to help cook and clean. Every morning we would take Cruz down to Brendan's mom around 7ish and then we would sleep for another couple of hours. What are we going to do without a babysitter now?

Cruz is getting bigger by the day. We put him in his car seat yesterday and you can really tell how much he has grown since he came home from the hospital. When he first came home the car seat buckles were practically in his face because he wasn't tall enough, now there is plenty of room. His eyes are getting bluer too.

So my sister-in-law was kind enough to lend us her baby monitor while we get one for ourselves. I really didn't think we would need one because, all though we do have two stories, our place really isn't that big. But, I was wrong, it has been very helpful, especially when we are down stairs watching TV and he sound asleep in his little crib. Now that we have gotten more used to the little guy we decided it might be a good idea to get a two way monitor. Do any of you have one and what would you suggest?


Karli said...

we got the sony one from babies r good so far and it was around $60 I think... he's close enough to our room that we can hear him when he's in his crib anyway, but it's nice to be able to carry around my side if he's not by me. i know we'll use it lots within the next few months.

hope you're feeling good!

Maria said...

We have one some one gave us that has a little tv monitor and you can watch your baby, it is nice to see if they are awake and fussing or just fussing in their sleep.

Maria said...

Ours is the safety first one you can see in the link above, but they have way better options that are wireless or smaller or cute. But they are more expensive.

Sarah Carlston said...

I am glad to see you are doing well with out the help of moms! Please let me know if you need help with ANYTHING! There are plenty of ladies in the ward that would love to come over and hold him while you take a nap!

Sorry, I am not much help in the monitor field.

steph said...

i was so sad the day my mom left. it's a bit of an adjustment but so fun!!
i got my monitor at babies r us and the brand is summer. it's really awesome and it scans for free channels on it's own so you won't pick up your neighbors monitor. i really love it and would highly recommend it.

Shelly said...

Here's the one we have. You can find it at Target. It's $51.99"Fisher-Price Private Connection Dual Monitor". We didn't think we needed one either, but we use it all the time!

Megan said...

We too have the Fisher-Price Private Connection Dual Monitor. It's awesome! Our apartment is small and I don't use it anymore, but it's great to take to grandma's house. It has a really large range too. I can go outside (even next door to a neighbor's house) and still hear Hayden if he wakes up. The best part about the monitor is that it is super-low static. I hated our first monitor because it kept me awake a night sometimes with how loud the static was, not a problem with this monitor.

Anderson Family said...

Congratulations on the baby, he is really cute and little! He looks so tiny in Brendan's arms.