Monday, June 4, 2007

Life is a bit Nerve Racking......

We put an offer on a house on Saturday.......... and now Tatem and I are nervous as can be. It has been a real eye opener to be on this side of the real estate transaction, The emotions are completely different, exciting, scared, nervous and the list goes on and on and on and on. We are now waiting to hear from all parties involved to know what our next step should be.

As our business continues to grow we should be able to avoid any of the fears of not being able to pay for everything. But even that is a fear, we are really in the great unknown..... we can book 10 inspections in one day or we can book 0 in a week, all part of the joy of owning our own business.

To move on... we have had another good week full of fun and excitement........well not really. Our life seems to be pretty boring.

Well put an end to any suspense that is left out there, we are expecting......that we will be expecting a new addition to our family, some time in January 2008. Actually the future addition is due Jan 18 (Brendan's birthday). Crazy times ahead. Now all we have to do is get past all of the morning sickness. I really don't understand why it is considered morning sickness any way because Tatem is sicker (if that is a real word) in the evening than she is in the morning. She also has some crazy eating habits. I call it her 2 am feeding. And pregnancy brain is a real thing.

Dont forget we would love to hear your coments


Megan said...

Brendan and Tatem, this is Megan (Adam's wife). Congratulations on the baby news! Babies are great, a lot of work at first, but great.

I think it's fun that you have a blog, thanks for inviting the rest of us to come see what you're up to. Good luck with the house...oh, and the morning sickness.

Adam and I were inspired by you guys and we've also started a blog. You can catch us at:

Aubree and Cody Luke said...

Tatem congratulations on the new baby news! Thought that I would let you know that I am due November just 2 months before you! I hope the morning sickness gets better for you, hang in there! It was fun to read your guys blog. If you are every in Wilsonville when I ever visit then we should get together. We are still in Idaho living in our townhouse in Idaho falls. But someday hope to get back to Oregon!Take care!

Jon M said...

Congrats on the baby!!!

Tommy and Monique Shelby said...

Yeah a baby!! We cant wait!!