Thursday, September 6, 2007

And the Baby's Gender is a.................

Well, it was an exciting morning for Brendan and I. After 21 weeks of waiting we finally found out what this little Marchant is going to be. Of all the picture's that were taken Brendan was only able to make out one distinct feature......... the face. Maybe he was sitting to far away from the monitor to really get a good look at what the tech was showing us. To get a good ultrasound your suppose to come with a full bladder. By the end of the ultrasound, which took about an hour, I thought that I was going to burst.

We had taken an online test when I was about 12 weeks along that said I had a 50% chance of it being a boy. The test results were right!!! Can you believe that? We had a girl name all picked out and have no boy names. This was the only picture we got today, I was a little bummed they didn't give a picture of the "boy parts". But it sure is a cute picture of the little guy.

Both of our parents are really excited. Especially Brendan's, this will be their first grandchild. His mom probably has already boughten plane tickets for when the baby is born. My mom called me to find out if I knew before I even had the ultrasound. Maybe she thought I could predict the future.

It will be fun because this little guy will have two boy cousins his age to cause terror with. What's even better is I will most likely get all of these cousins clothes. It's nice having older brothers to give me their hand me downs.


Carrie said...

Congrats, a boy! He'll be such a little dude, I can't wait to see him. We're so happy for you!

MoJo said...

Hi Tatem and Brendan,
Brendan, this is Morgan Killian (Trunnell) from school. I found you guys on Steph and Dave's site. (hope you don't mind) I just wanted to say hi and CONGRATS on the new baby!! What an exciting time! Tatem, you're only a week behind me with your pregnancy. We're expecting our second girl. Kinda funny b/c we thought ours was a boy. It was sure fun to be surprised though. :) Good luck with the name game and drop us a
-The Killians