Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Thought it is Suppose to be Spring?

What a week. We went from last Saturday being 80 degrees, to today there being an inch of snow on the ground (and still snowing as I write this). What is up with that? I think Al Gore is full of crap with all of this global warming stuff. Because it certainly isn't warming up around here. I want it to be sunny out. Cruz and I need to get out of the house. At least last Saturday we took full advantage of the sun. Brendan, Cruz, and I went and walked around the Arboretum by University of Washington. It was the perfect time to do it as well because all of the trees were blossoming. Cruz got to enjoy his first real bits of sunshine as well. The Arboretum is definitely somewhere we are going to go again.

Cruz loves his stroller

This story might be a little embarrassing for Brendan, but it is to funny not to tell. As many of you know Cruz's crib is right next to our bed. Well, the other night I had just put him down for the night (and he was already sound asleep) and Brendan and I were just finishing our prayer's when Brendan farts. Cruz starts laughing in his sleep, so Brendan farts again and Cruz laughs even more and then Brendan farted again and Cruz laughs again. Brendan was all out of farts so he tried to make a fart nose with his mouth and that just wouldn't cut it for Cruz, he didn't think it was as funny as the real thing. Brendan and I were trying so hard to muffle our laughter, I had tears running down my cheeks. All I can say is Cruz is all boy. What am I going to do? I'm out numbered two to one.

Here is a little video for anyone who might be interested (mostly the grandparents, aunts and uncles) of Cruz laughing. We have been trying so hard to get this little guy to laugh and this is one of the first times we have been truly successful (or let me say I was truly successful. Brendan has always been able to get Cruz to smile and talk more then me). I guess he only thinks farting is funny. Please excuse our pile of diapers in the background and don't laugh at how much of a dork I am. P.S. he only really laughs till about 50 seconds, after that its just me making a fool of myself.


Ann-Marie said...

Cute pictures and video. Thanks for posting!

Carrie said...

You are just the mom I imagined you to be!!! Miss you!!!

Brooke said...

Hi Brendan, Ashley Mackay sent me the link to your blog. What a cute family you have! Fun to see your pics!
Brooke (used to be Miller)