Monday, December 8, 2008

Leaving On a Jet Plane

Next Wednesday we are flying to Missouri for two whole weeks. We are going for Christmas, but also Brendan's brother and sister are getting married (not to eachother, even though they are from Missouri, JK). We are both very excited to hang out with family.

This is going to be our first plane experience with Cruz so I am of course a little nervous about the how things are going to go. I need some traveling tips. Such as, if you gate check your stroller, does it count as a carry on? If you check your car seat does it count as one of your bags? Can you carry baby food through security? Any other pieces of advice would be greatly appreciated.


Karissa said...

I've flown with Zeke twice now and done it by myself. I'm sure you'll be fine especially with Brendan there to help. I checked my stroller and carseat at the plane the first time because Zeke was still in one of those small carseats that hooked onto the stroller. The second time I checked the carseat and it didn't count as a piece of luggage. Watch out for fees though... some airlines are charging even for the first bag these days and the second is even more. Good Luck and have fun!!!

Tiffany said...

So to answer your questions... No, No, and Yes :)

You're stroller doesn't count as a carry on if you gate check it, and neither does your carseat. Even if you didn't buy a seat for Cruz, I would take your carseat with you to the gate, and ask the gate attendant if there are any extra seats on the plane. If there are, a lot of the time they will give you the extra seat (I once got the LAST seat on the plane for Averi's carseat).

I haven't flown with baby food for awhile... but when I did, baby food and formula in the amount that you we're going to be using for your flight we're fine to take on the plane.

Also, Desitin counts as an essential medicine (again, when I flew with it) and so you can have it in a regular size tube.

Of course, the airlines change things every month or so, so all my info might just be completely outdated!

I've flown with both my kids, by myself, since Averi was 8 weeks old. Just don't be afraid to ask the flight attendants for help, or anything you need (an extra can of apple juice... that one saves me). They are usually very accomadating! I'm sure you'll do fine.

Good Luck! Have a fun trip!!

Shelly said...

I've flown a lot with Lucy and everything Tiffany said was right on with my experiences. You can take baby food and milk but you just have to tell them about it at security. Also, has to be in a zip log bag (also any other liquids like tylenol, gas drops, chapstick, etc.) Yes, take your carseat to the gate and if there's room on the plane, you'll be glad to have a place to put Cruz. If there's not room, they'll just put it under the plane. GOOD LUCK! We're going to Texas, so hope it goes well too!

Megan said...

Looks like all your questions have been answered. I fly with my kids frequently and I have found a huge lifesaver: Pack as many toys/activities as you can into your carry-on. Stickers, paper, crayons, puzzles, do you have a little DVD player?--this is a super help, and pack food. Food always makes Hayden quiet.

Also, I don't know if Cruz is still taking a bottle at all, but if he is, feed him a bottle on the take-off and landing, it'll reduce the ache in his ears.

Have fun flying!

Carrie said...

Can't wait to see how the Cruzer enjoyed Christmas!

steve and amy kaye said...

so good to hear from you guys! your little guy is adorable! it's so awesome, huh! funny story, we have a customer that IS tatem. she doesn't just LOOK like her, she IS her. not really but a very strong resemblance. so we feel like we get to see tate regularly! keep in touch.