Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunny Days....

This fall has been incredible! It has been much more sunny than I remember last year being. Well the lives of Brendan and Tatem get more an more exciting each day as this new kid approaches.

Quick poll. Did any of you take a trip before your children were born? Like a last "freedom" trip? We want to do something special but don't know what to do.

Well we have finally bitten the bullet and started to get some stuff for the baby. We got our crib. It is really nice and much better than we anticipated. Because, we are probably going to be here in our townhouse for at least a few months after the baby comes we got a mini crib. It is about the same size as a portable crib but much nicer and it fits really well in our bedroom.

We have also started to research strollers, car seats, etc...... (any good tips or brands would be great). Time is really flying only 2 and 1/2 months and we will be parents.

The business is doing well and we are continuing to become better bloggers. As you can see we haven't done the best.


Carrie said...

Let's see...a last "freedom" trip is a good idea. Since you can't fly in your last trimester, a road trip might be nice, maybe California to play on the beach but no theme parks obviously. As for car seats, Britax is the best brand out there (it's pricey but very well worth it). We bought our kids Britax when they were ready for a front-facing car seat, we wish we would have just bought them from the beginning and saved ourselves the money in the longrun because they can be converted from rear-facing to front-facing and grow with your child. They are high quality, you'll notice that if you go to Babies R' Us and just compare. Now I look back at how quickly Tyson's old carseat deteriorated (not safety wise) but just fabricwise. And that's my advice for you in a nutshell. Long enough huh. Good luck girl!

Megan said...

Hmm, as for a last trip, if you decide to do it, do it soon. You never know if that baby will decide to show-up early. Also, I wouldn't recommend traveling more than 3 or 4 hours away. Port Angeles possibly?

We bought a Graco Snugride for Hayden and enjoyed it overall. It's a bit bulky though, had a hard time fitting it between the pews at church. Also, Hayden was a big baby and the carseat held up to 30 pounds so that was nice. However, I do agree with the person who posted before me, if you can, get a carseat that will grow with your child.

Justin and Stacey said...

Tatem...we have a Graco and we are very happy with it. Are you guys selling your town house already? I can't believe you only have 2 1/2 months left!! Crazy! It will fly by. You should post a new belly picture for sure. Hope you come up with a good last getaway!! Keep us posted! :)

steph said...

if you want a travel system for the beginning, it's nice to be able to carry your little guy around in the car seat. but get a graco NOT evenflo. i really didn't like some things about my evenflo carseat and the stroller that comes in the travel system is not nearly as nice as the graco ones! good luck!! it gets sooo expensive to get everything!!

Tommy and Monique Shelby said...

Some friends of ours went to Jamaica, but who needs Jamaica when you have friends in Southern California! Come visit us! Save money and stay in our second room!!

Carrie said...

I tagged you! Get to work, chop chop!

Maria said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks again for having us over we had a lot of fun.

Maria said...


Check out the article above. I thought of you because I think we have had the credit vs. debit conversation a few times.