Monday, January 7, 2008

The wait is on.....

We had a great Christmas and New Years.

Christmas eve we went to Portland to spend Christmas with Tatems family. It was fun to get everyone together and hang out with the fam. Tatem and I got Guitar Hero 3 and it was a huge hit. When I first saw the game I thought it looked really dumb, but I was wrong. I now have an guitar hero addiction. It was really funny to see her Parents "rock out" on the game.

On the 28th Tate and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. It is really exciting to see how fast time has gone, where we have been, and what we have done in these few years. We spent a few days in Bend OR. shopping,eating and just relaxing.

Well the most exciting news is that the baby should be making his arrival any day..... Tatem had a check up on Friday and her doctor was telling us that it is very common for 1st born's to come late. (she is due on the 18th). Then she did her check and as of Friday Tatem is 3cm dilated and 90% effaced. So I guess this little guy wants out. Even if he takes his time it will be ok.

We spent Friday and Saturday getting everything ready. Even with all of the great hand-me-downs we have gotten there still is a ton to get. It is amazing how much a little person needs.


Karli said...


Hey, I found your blog through another old rexburg ward person & don't know if you'll even remember me, but I thought you were the cutest ever and wanted to say hi. I am also expecting our first (a little boy) this month (23rd) and my doc said he could come late too. I have another appt. thursday and he's going to check me then. we'll see. i haven't been feeling any contractions or anything, but who knows? you can check out one of my blogs and see my big belly at:

would love to hear from you if you are bored or have time too!

Good luck!

Carrie said...

You are too cute Tate. Post pictures right when that baby arrives! I've got to see this gorgeous kid!

Big hugs, good luck coming up!

steph said...

it really is amazing how much a baby needs. good luck with everything, we can't wait to hear that your little one has arrived!!

The Heaton's said...

its the count down!!!! i am so glad i got to talk to you last week! you will do great and enjoy it, its so fun!!! i can't wait to see pictures of the little guy...oh and i see the livingstons are out of the barn, hooray!!!